OrgChart - Success StoriesMagirus International GmbH
Customer Report - OrgChart (translated, original available in German )
Since the middle of 2005 the Magirus Group has been using the software OrgChart from the company PDW to create fully automated organizational charts for their German companies. As of mid 2006 Magirus has also implemented OrgChart internationally for the entire corporate group. Prior to the introduction of OrgChart, organizational charts were created by individual departments or companies. These organizational charts were mostly outdated. The first problem was that no one really had the time to keep the charts up to date and the second problem was that there was no standard layout given. It became necessary to implement a structured position plan due to the introduction of an employee-portal add-on to the personal system LOGA. The basic structures had now been laid and this gave rise to the question whether these structures could be used to create organizational charts. Offering numerous configuration possibilities OrgChart easily convinced that it could be done. OrgChart reads the organizational structures directly out of LOGA Persinf and then creates up to date organizational charts. These charts are then made available on the intranet in either PDF or PPT format so that the entire corporate group may access this information. This has led to the simplifying of review preparations, planning etc. Due to the standard layout organizational charts can now be integrated into all presentations, internal as well as external. Both display options, wallpaper and multi-page outputs, ensure that even interlaced structures are correctly displayed. Both display outputs can be generated in PDF, MS PowerPoint or VISIO. The Magirus Group mainly uses the multi-page function. Mostly only the management level needs to be shown, whereby it is possible at any time to arborescent to other levels. The configuration possibilities, for example sub-type allocation, different shapes per sub-type, one or multi-page view, recursive functions including staffing and the allocation of templates in compliance with the corporate identity, hardly leaves any room for desire open. A particular assistance is the additional multi-chart function which enables several different configurations to be displayed, which can now be completed in one work process. In this way a company can allocate different configurations and/or templates to its various departments but nevertheless these departments can still be linked to the main top level. The general co-operation with the company PDW has been most successful. Company specific requirements were implemented unbureaucratically in next to no time at all. This included the implementation of automated sub-type allocations for the grouping of positions with the same description or the grouping of employees with the same job description etc. Magirus International GmbH Stuttgart, December 2006 Matsushita Electric Europe / Panasonic
OrgChart - An important complement to the LOGA position plan (translated, original available in German )
Since September 2003 the Panasonic Marketing Europe GmbH has been using the HR software from the company Personal & Informatik AG. Alongside the payroll accounting, modules such as recruitment management, seminar management, personal expenses planning and the position plan are being used. The latter serves to relate the numerous organizational changes that have taken place in reaction to the changing of the product portfolio and the changes on the markets. This is also retrospectively possible. The information is then interfaced with the IT department so that the authorized access of staff members is always up to date. Soon it became clear that via the standard interface to OrgChart, organizational charts could easily and without extra effort be generated. Prior to this, organizational charts were laboriously created and updated each month using VISIO. The investment in OrgChart was definitely worth the while. Since 2005 OrgChart is regularly used to create organizational charts. These charts form the basis for decisions that have to be made for upcoming organizational changes. They also support monitoring actions such as headcount in various areas. OrgChart also helps to locate the correct contact person (member of staff with photo) in the company. In addition to this OrgChart also helps to create reports, especially of executives, whose scope of application and field of responsibilities needs to be retrospectively displayed. A further application of OrgChart is to support dialog with external persons such as applicants or service providers by providing a better transparency of the organizational structures of the company. In combination with specific Panasonic features and the use of sub-types certain groups of persons such as part-time employees, staff in partial retirement, temporary staff or expatriate staff can now be uniquely displayed in the organizational chart. After the import of information from LOGA, OrgChart then verifies the various fields and subsequently assigns those persons to pre-defined sub-types. Even today OrgChart allows all staff members in the personal department to create up to date and appealing organizational charts for all organizational areas in the company - and that without much effort or special software knowledge. The default display output used by Panasonic is the PDF format. This format can easily be made available online and can be read on every computer without any additional cost intensive software. The support offered by PDW while using OrgChart is impeccable. The support covers all aspects from the first installation, to inhouse-training as well as the availability of regular online updates. Part of the service offered also included the implementation of company specific wishes. A competent contact person is always available to offer service and support. Mazda Motor Europe GmbH
OrgChart in use by Mazda (translated, original available in German )
Four years ago Mazda still created organizational charts tediously using Microsoft Excel. This was an enormous job always updating the organizational charts and mostly led to undesired results. That is why Mazda started searching for a solution that would ease the creation of organizational charts. The solution had to be easy to use and also eliminate all errors. For these reasons Mazda decided to implement OrgChart. In January 2004 Mazda started the conversion process to the automated creation of organizational charts using OrgChart. The position plan was already incorporated in LOGA and that made the implementation process relatively comfortable and quick. Especially the display options supporting output in the following formats; Microsoft Power Point, Visio and PDF are valued and used by Mazda. OrgChart is a very powerful, extremely quick and user friendly. The software offers specific input and output features, display options and filter settings that the user can define. If the desired function is not part of the standard solution, with little inconvenience extra modules and functions can be programmed and implemented in the standard version. Mazda for example had the following requirement for a specific explorer format. The software add-on was later included in the standard version of OrgChart and was therefore free of charge. Once OrgChart has been stocked with all the company specific functions required, reports can be generated individually or in combination with already existing results. Mazda prefers to use the Wallpaper format to create their organizational charts. The wallpaper format offers a precise overview of the required structures irrelevant of the amount of information displayed. A particular feature to mention would be the flexibility of OrgChart. OrgChart enables individual solutions for user requests and this in turn leads to a high level of customer satisfaction. „Meanwhile we could not imagine working without OrgChart anymore by Mazda", confirms Helmut Teilscheid, supervisor Human Resources and Policies. OrgChart is used for everyday tasks and has found approval by supervisors as well as users. The user friendly outputs have only confirmed the decision to use OrgChart. Deutsche Post Express GmbH / DHL
OrgChart - The software for express organizational charts (translated, original available in German )
Since 2001 DHL Express Betriebs GmbH has been using the software OrgChart from the company PDW-Software, to create their organizational charts. Due to the fact that no sufficient solutions for creating organizational charts was available in the standard solution from SAP/OM, an automated solution without tedious manual editing, had to be found to comply with the diverse company requirements. OrgChart reads the organizational structures directly out of the SAP/OM system and creates up to date organizational charts. All personal changes are immediately visible following the appointment day. With the help of the software the company is able to monitor the budgeting for human resources easily. In important meetings all current information and facts are available thanks to OrgChart. This information is available in various configurations and display options. Structures in conjunction with OrgUnits are exactly defined for the DHL. Displayed are position descriptions, name and surname, work time as well as details about the date of separation from the company. Yet these are not all the possibilities that OrgChart offers. The software is so flexible that all the information that is available in the Personal management software can be shown using various display options. Organizational charts can be created for our company including the following:
By DHL organizational charts are virtually exclusively created in Visio. The option wallpaper is also available - this allows the entire organizational chart to be displayed on one dynamic page e.g. the structure of a company branch. OrgChart is a tool that creates fast and precise organizational charts of the company’s structure, insuring that all departments are always informed on same accurate level. |